A Demonstration Class that will improve your individuality and creative awareness……
What Will Be Covered ..
Scissor cutting techniques ..
- Freestyle to Geometric
- Front to Back and Back to Front Layer Cut
- Freestyle Pixie Cut
- Waterfall Freestyle Cutting
This Look and learn Class will increase your flexibility and control and bring out your individuality.
These techniques can be put into practice in your Salon immediately and will improve time efficiency with your clients.
As well as showing you the cutting techniques I will tell you about the history of cutting pre Sassoon days.
We will also have a Q & A on any haircut you may be struggling with.
We will provide live models and will explain the correct scissors for Dry and Wet Cutting. The scissors used are from Sharpline Premium
Cost for the Class is $250.00 …. Deposit of $100 to be paid on booking and balance payable prior to Look and Learn Class.
The Class will be held at the Larmont Hotel Level 7, 2-14 Kings Cross Road, Potts Point NSW
Email for details prior to booking
Enquiries will be taken regarding One on One Classes
After decades of working with women I have shown them how to make the most of their #naturalbeauty# with #hair#. I can share with you the images on my site so that you too can experience the natural, low maintenance , #chemicalfree# way of #haircare# I have made many women look better than they ever thought possible. All #images# 0n my site are #haircuts#I have done in there natural state , not images that ar…e photo shopped . With my #haircuts# you can do at home what I do at the #salon# I can analyse the potential and make women of all ages look there best. The images on my site that go back as far as the 70s is still what you can have today. I also share images by searching the net on my home page and showing my likes on how I operate ,feel and pass on to #women, I was never one to follow the trends in #hair# It’s not a matter of what is fashionable , it’s what suits you.
the day of haircutting is back. Not that it ever left me , but hairdressers pay to much importance to over blow waving and ironing hair. The basis of this industry is the CUT if it’s not balanced , shaped flowing and moving you will spend more time on blow waving and forced shaping , when if cut well , it will do it for you. Consider the benefits of sculpture freestyle cutting….
#HAIR what direction you need to take……
#HAIRCUTTER has the skills and understanding of all types of #hairtexture by #cutting freestyle sculpture in such a way that the #haircut will flow have movement and respond to it’s natural fall without the use of over #blowdrying #brushes , #irons and product….. WASH AND WEAR
##HAIRDRESSER Is an all rounder , one who #cuts on a formula , colours , bleaches, extensions, excessive #blowwaving irons and specializes in #hairproducts in order to maintain the appearance past on by the #hairdresser….. HIGH MAINTENANCE
Is also an all rounder but specializes in doing magazine #hairshoots film or theatre and weddings ….. UP MARKET
Salon Review Voi Haircuts
It was review time and Voi Haircuts was the next salon on my to-do list. I was excited. With 50 years experience under his belt, this scissor-wielding craftsman must be a wiz with a blow dryer, or so I thought. No hair dryer? This must be a joke! Not so as I was soon to find out…
When my editor mentioned that she had a “unique” stylist for me to meet but was concerned that his less-than-traditional approach would have me back pedaling, I was intrigued. In the name of fashion and keeping our readers informed, I took the challenge.
Dario Chicco is no ordinary hairdresser. He wouldn’t have survived through 5 decades of a cut-throat industry without having a unique approach to hair cutting. He is what you would call an organic hairdresser. Something I had yet to encounter until now. His salon is exclusive, tucked away in the Diamont Building in Kings Cross. The room is minimal and welcoming. There are no products adorning the walls or hard sells to match. This man has been flying under the radar all this time without riding on the back of product endorsements. He literally dislikes products.
He told me straight up, that he wont be using colours, brushes, straightening irons or a hair dryer on my hair. He believes that the industry is full of toxic chemicals and he refuses to use them on his client’s hair. Even the shampoo that he used to wash my hair was watered down to reduce the amount of product. What a great money saving tool as well I thought to myself. As for the hair dryer and brush, again he believes that brushing and drying the hair damages the hair shaft. Too much emphasis is on drying the hair into shape rather than creating a cut that can “wash and wear” cites Dario.
His approach is unique. He calls it freestyling. It’s an expression of freedom the way he sculpts the hair rather than sectioning and cutting which is what is traditionally taught in our schools. By cutting this way, Dario reduces the time it takes to create a style. It’s about styling the hair rather than sticking to industry trends, explains Dario.
In 1964 Dario Chicco literally “fell” into hairdressing. It was a time when cutting was an art form. He was fortunate enough to be working with two French stylists and quickly learnt his craft. It was in the days of wash and wear styles where the hair was cut to suit the client so they could manage the style with ease at home. The industry may have gone into emphasizing product sales rather than the cut but Dario has remained true to his roots and his philosophy of raw-cutting without the use products and styling tools still remains.
His client list is a mile long including The Rolling Stones and Santana when they both toured Australia. With such an impressive resume there is no need for a shop frontage salon to lure in potential clients. Dario doesn’t need them so he can create his magic in privacy and peace.
With all these incredible achievements under his belt, what else could be in store for this unique stylist? Educating others in his technique of course.
Dario’s vision is to take his unique cutting style directly into the classroom and share what he has learnt over the last 50 years. His Cut Club Education is designed to teach his students to cut and style using the freestyle approach without the use of brushes or blow waves.
How did my session with this man end? I Admit I was nervous but once we exchanged introductions and a couple of jokes I totally relaxed into his capable hands. After he had finished sculpting my hair it just sat in a natural shape. It fell around my face nicely and was weighted correctly so it did not drag or hang badly. I left the salon san-products and went about my day with my hair down (something I can rarely do without a blow dry). It fared well and I resisted the temptation to use a hair tie.
I have to admit that since seeing Dario I have worn my hair out and without any styling products on many occasions since I had it cut. It just sits nicely around my face and is balanced and manageable. Do I miss the blow wave? Well of course I would not say no to an offer but only on a very special occasion. I love the natural look and keeping my hair in great condition is a bonus. I’m converted.
Tracey Gunn
56 shades of grey
- Date
The dye is cast – out, as Susan Wyndham finds beauty in the natural order of things.
Read more:
My video Hair Dance is a finalist in the category “Even Further”. Out of 1000 videos I’m now in the top 5. The winner being chosen March 9th in NYC.
Thank you to Garry Wapshott, Julia Cotton and Helena Gjone.
Playing around New Years day, did this hair shot of friend Jaris..
Photo taken by Tennis Photographer Ray Giubilo.

Tweet From Wendy Iles
Wendy ILES @ileswendy
For Aussies great cutting school by brilliant cutter
@DarioChicco .
Retweeted by Dario_Chicco
Thank you for the Tweet Wendy…..
Feature In The Thousands
Where I live in Darlinghurst there must be at least one hairdresser per corner. And yet, up until now, I have hated getting my hair cut. Well maybe I shouldn’t have kept my gaze at street level all this time. Because the greatest hairdresser I have ever come across chops locks atop a high rise hotel in the Cross. His name is Dario Chicco.
Dario runs Voi Haircuts and has been honing his skills for more than 50 years. From what I know – I have been to see him twice and always ask a lot of questions about his life – Dario used to work in Melbourne. He opened his first salon there on Darling Street in South Yarra and became a sort-of ‘IT’ guy: Dario cut hair for Vogue (here is a collage of his model clients in the ’80s). In 2005 he appeared in this Japanese TV commercial.
I recommend seeing Dario on a day for which you can be organised enough to arrive 10 minutes early. He has good reading material (such as The Gentlewoman) and it’s fun to see who is having their hair cut before you. One time my friend Aniqa went and she said the lady before her flies all the way from Perth for her appointments!
Don’t expect any “styling”. Nor should you enquire about the cost of colouring or a blow dry. Dario doesn’t do them. He’s committed to “wash and wear” real hair cuts, a belief that sure does alienate him from Bondi blondes. I have found it best to just show him what you’ve got. Then lay your head back on the basin and submit to the idea that you’re in the hands of a captain of industry, floating above Sydney. Which, of course, you are.
For more information on cutting education – look & learn one on one or group sessions look at
Jonathan’s Winning Haircut
Australian Independent Record Labels Association’s Independent Music Awards! Here’s APRA Ambassador Jonathan Zwartz Music with his Best Jazz Album of the Year Award
Amanda Tabberer author of best selling Penguin books My Amalfi Coast (Oct 2008) and Amalfi Coast Recipes ( Oct 2012), has lived and loved Italy for over two decades now. Her style tells her personal story of life, work and play on the Amalfi Coast – simple, minimal & easy!………….just like her blond straight hair.
Wendy Iles
Caught up with Wendy Iles in my studio , it was great going back in time with connections we shared in Melbourne , Sydney and internationally . A fantastic evolving person to communicate with.
A collage of model clients whose hair I was cutting in the 80s. My sculpture free style cutting shows that this technique is timeless.
Jonathan’s highly tuned jazzy haircut.
photo – Ming Chien
Make sure you listen to his latest very cool jazz cd “The Remembering & Forgetting Of The Air”
I was cutting Max Newton’s hair when he was the editor of – The Australian – in Canberra and later in Melbourne when he had – The Sunday Observer – until he moved to the – New York Times. In this period from the 60s to the 80s I had more information then ASIO, I was cutting Dough Anthony, US Ambassador Walter Rice, Don Chip, the Snedden’s , the Halfpenny’s, Andrew Peacock, Greg Shackelton & other Journalist, Painters & Dockers, Unionists and hit men etc, etc.
I cut Eliza’s hair into long layers & Renee Sayed then styled ,for this photo shoot.
Cut- Dario , Styled – Renee Sayed , Image- Ethan Mann
After I cut Holly’s hair Renee Sayed styled her hair for this photo shoot.
Cut Dario , Styled Renee Sayed , Image Ethan Mann
Henry Zwartz journalist and jazz band drummer sporting a Chet Baker haircut I gave him.
This is a haircut I did for Janice Spencer, we used to call it the tango , inspired by Maria Schneider in “Last Tango in Paris “.
Janice was Brett Whiteley’s girlfriend, I was cutting her hair in the 80s & 90s
Hands on, the perfect instrument, masterfully skilled hands that distinquish the craftmanship of a bespoke haircut. Personalized to create a care free cut – scissors and comb – no product – no brushs.
I cut Geraldine’s hair for the play ” Fury ” by playwright Joanna Murray-Smith showing at the Sydney Theatre Company.
The cut of the moment is choppy, swinging, unstructured refreshing, and with freedom of movement.
Now is a good time for a fresh start with this low maintenance , wash and wear cut,take it behind the ear let it dry naturally it will work casually or flip over blow dry for evening wear.
ANNA’S cut- chop- slice haircut
Looking for a change but still maintain length?
Face-framing layers or bold and blunt fringe is an easy change to make so you don’t lose length.
Short fringes are quite drastic and can look edgy but need to be trimmed often, on the other hand think 60s Birkin, Shrimpton style fringes that are curved or are shorter in the centre & flair out to the sides.
For long & narrow faces a blunt fringe works well, for round or square faces above the brow but graduated for softness will work,heart shape anything goes.
Paying a great deal of money for a haircut does not guarantee quality and can lead to disappointment for a cut that ends up being high maintenance. It can be a let down.
For those who have had a bespoke haircut it’s a totally different experience and wished they had done so earlier. The results are impressive making a difference in every day care
I am well known for my bespoke sculptured cutting skills and produce the finest tailored free flowing cuts using curved and straight scissors.
When having a conventional haircut you have to rely on forced hairstyling with products , brushes and utensils.
I cut from scratch and consider each individuals lifestyle and persona to create a one off sophisticated cut.
Did a long layered haircut on Bella Hunter, Bella is from the X Factor and about to release her CD
image Tony Potts
Wendy & Bella
Image of Wendy Heather’s haircut I did in the 70′s and last week cut Bella Heather Hunter’s hair.
Mia Farrow – Vidal Sassoon
With all the hype about Vidal Sassoon not cutting Mia Farrow’s hair in 1968, I came across an image of one of my short cropped haircuts. It was taken in 1966 and here I am, at 16, with my friend Pia. I was at that time, what they used to call a “continental barber”. As we were doing European cutting styles and women that just wanted haircuts would come in. It was in 1964 just as I started my apprenticeship that the haircutting revolution started.
Setting the Record (and the Hair) Straight
Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Published: January 23, 2013
An article last Thursday titled “Memorable Clips,” about career-changing haircuts, said that Mia Farrow had long, blond hair until Vidal Sassoon gave her a pixie cut for the 1968 film “Rosemary’s Baby.” “According to Hollywood legend,” it added, “Frank Sinatra, Ms. Farrow’s husband at the time, was so against the cut that he had her served with divorce papers after seeing it.”
It turns out that the legend was just that.
After Gillian Previn, Ms. Farrow’s daughter-in-law, e-mailed The Times to correct the record, Ms. Farrow was reached for comment and elaborated further — something she had done in her 1997 memoir, “What Falls Away.” In her e-mailed letter, Ms. Farrow included photos from her wedding day to Mr. Sinatra on July 19, 1966, as well as by Richard Avedon for Vogue, that show her closely cropped coif. An excerpt from her letter follows.
I had literally cut it myself earlier that year — with a pair of fingernail scissors — while working on the “Peyton Place” TV series at Fox Studios. This was long before I ever heard of Vidal Sassoon. My then-boyfriend, Frank Sinatra, loved the cut, and so I kept it short. (I purchased some hair scissors; then, as now, I cut it myself.) Vidal Sassoon is mentioned in the book “Rosemary’s Baby” and the film. So, Paramount decided to stage a photo shoot in which Mr. Sassoon trimmed my 1 1/2-inch hair to 1 inch. The whole event was taken in good spirits. (I wore a wig during the earlier scenes.)
I intend no disrespect to Mr. Sassoon, but he had nothing to do with my haircut. Neither, I can assure you, did my divorce from Frank Sinatra have to do with my haircut.
Best regards,
(Your Invaluable Sleuth of Hair History)
Pottsy aged 8 after running into a kid at school resulting to a black eye.
I gave him a college cut and Margie decided to dress him as a boxer for this portrait.
Cut Pottsy hair last week after a visit from NYC on the second image. ” images Tony Potts “
One Day Mens Haircutting Course
Grooming and barbering, explore the unique knowledge and skills and learn how to be confident in cutting techniques.
The course will cover;
1. Scissor over comb
2. Clipper over comb
3. Short layered & long layered cutting
4. Graduating
5. Tapper & fading
6. Conquer awkward hairlines & cowlicks
7. How to cut with concave scissors
This is a one day course that will cover the above and more. I started as a barber in the 60s when cutting was an art, it was the period of cutting hair into shape, not by using product to shape.
I have cut the Rolling Stones, Santana, Dave Palmer drummer, Rod Stewart band, George Lazenby Australia’s James Bond , Andrew Peacock, Kissy Sellout English DJ, Tom Middleton DJ/Producer, Phil Noyce Film Producer/Director and more.
One Day Group Course $350
One on one course available, ask for dedails.
For bookings call 0416 195060
Neil Rodgers from Tracey Mattingly Agency
Had top US stylist Neil Rodgers from Tracey Mattingly Agency, call in for a buzz cut.
Haircutting demonstration
A demonstration of sculpture haircutting –
sponsored by Jaguar scissors , Weston imports , ,
Cutting Demonstration
Hair cutting demonstration, sponsored by Jaguar scissors , Weston imports, and
I gave Emmanuelle a flip stack dry haircut on the second image, I then washed and layered on the first image
Sabina’s long layered sculptured haircut dried with no brushes.
Wendy Iles book ARCHIVE . Australias most influential hairdresser.
Look out for it.
Sydney A to Z
Sydney’s confluence of nature’s gifts and human ingenuity is constant cause for marvel. Iconic architectural and engineering feats – the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Jorn Utzon’s Sydney Opera House (each has its own chequered history, well worth reading) – sit against an awe-inspiring backdrop of ocean, sand and sun. Take in the panorama from atop the Sydney Harbour Bridge; choose from three guided climbs, scheduled from dawn to dark. After a day climb, refuel with excellent coffee and panini at Latteria. Then venture north to visit Rose Seidler House, a stunning 1940s landmark. For edification and inspiration, time your trip to coincide with the Sydney Writers’ Festival, Australia’s largest annual celebration of literature and ideas.
Cross / Diamant Building
2B/14 level 7 Kings Cross Road
Potts Point 2010
+61 2 9361 5735
A reliable hairdresser is hard to find, let alone one widely revered and with nearly 50 years’ experience. However, Sydney boasts the acclaimed Dario Chicco. At Dario’s Kings Cross salon – VOI – old-school philosophy and methodology reign, and common tools of the trade like blow dryers and straighteners are banned. Dario is all about the individually tailored, wash-and-wear hair cut rather than the artifice of styling.
Aesop’s A – Z of Sydney
Haircuts From the 80s I Did At Voi Hairdressing Paddington Sydney
Came across some haircuts I did 30 years ago at Voi Hairdressing Paddington. It shows that classic haircuts never date. From the short clipper cut to the under cut I did in 1982 to the long layered cut, all are still very now.
Mini Graff
The work is a response to Monsanto and their making ownership & patent of GM soybean, canola and corn seed – the ‘Roundup Ready’ seeds
I can’t show you mini graff’s haircut because she’s incognito but I can show you her art.
50 Years of James Band 007
Another 50th Anniversary, 50 years of 007, Happy Birthday Mr Bond, George Lazenby “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service” whose hair I cut at David Jones Barber Shop, Canberra in the 60s.
Still in it’s infancy stage , but about to become the most significant blog on Potts Point ,
Edward Beale – Myf Warhurst’s Nice
Following Myf Warhurst’s show last week on ABC TV, I came across this group image of Edward Beale’s staff, 1972.
Edward Beale and Bob Leopold would have been the most influential hairdressers in Australia’s hair industry from the 1970s . Edward was emulating the Sassoon style as did Bob Leopold take on the French style. This was the time when hairdressing was all about haircutting. Anyone famous from overseas or local would call in to Edwards salon for haircuts. I worked with Edward for a year before branching out on my own.
At the time in the 1970′s we were constantly harrassed and fined for not wearing a “hairdressing uniform” also you couldn’t cut men’s hair if you had a women’s licence and vise a versa. The fines were quite steep.
Mark Carnegie
photo Tim Bauer Article Good Weekend
Mark Carnegie senior adviser Lazard wearing an intellectual Voi haircut.
The Rolling Stones
It’s 50 years of the best rock band in the world. The Rolling Stones.
The late Ron Blackmore, who worked for the Paul Dainty Corporation was a client of mine and through him I got to cut the Rolling Stones hair on their 1973 Australian Tour.
I was taken to Noah’s Hotel in Exhibition Street, Melbourne. I arrived at their floor and Mick Jagger was sitting on the ground in the hallway. He was wearing white pants and a yellow v neck top. He was making comment about some red neck aussie guy who’d called him a ‘poof’ in the lift. I first cut Bill Wymans hair and then Nicky Hopkins. Unfortunately Mick had just had his hair cut during the South American Tour.
Andrew Peacock
This is a haircut I gave Andrew Peacock, here with Shirley MacLaine.
I was cutting his hair from the late 70s till I moved to Sydney in the mid 80s.
Dario Chicco for Image in Progress Magazine
Image in Progress N.2 from Emanuele Cucuzza / Image in Prog on Vimeo.
the reason why both political parties are at their lowest is that they put themselves first, their political party second and the people last.
Frank Burgemeestre and Joe Adam, two hairdressers I’ve worked with in Melbourne, both under the age of 60 died of cancer. That’s eight hairdressers that I know that have gone due to this illness.
When are hairdressers going to question the product companies?
You are all slaves to them. They are poisoning you, your clients and the environment. You are all product driven as that is how you make your money. This is why I am anti this industry that is dominated by manufactures deciving hairdressers for their own financial gain that is then past on to the client.
Helena Gjone
A still from – Hair Dance Video – soon to be released of Helena Gjone from Fiona Munroe ballet & the Tanya Pearson Classical Coaching Academy Sydney. Helena has just been accepted by the Bolshoi Ballet Accademy Moscow Russia.
Vidal Sassoon
Not only was Sassoon the first global haircutter that changed this industry for ever, he was also the first to commercialise hair shampoo globaly.Prior to Sassoon women would shampoo hair once a week, he pushed that you must shampoo every day. We now have a generation of people with scalp problems due to chemicals in shampoo and over shampooing.
His slogan -’If you don’t look good, we don’t look good “- should really apply to his great cutting skills, not his shampoo.
VIDAL SASSOON interview-national nine news
Denis Piel
Just got an email from Denis Piel. Another ex Australian, influential photographer, that has just released ‘Denis Piel Moments’.
The long awaited book of Denis Piel’s photography, ” denis piel _MOMENTS” is now available for pre-order on Amazon in US , UK, France and Germany.
please take a look at US
Isobel Galloway
Isobel is a singer/songwriter. She has a band called ‘ISOBEL’ & they are currently rehearsing for a CD launch in June. The music style is based around Soul/R&B/Jazz.
Axel Singer
Axel's Composer Haircut
Axel Singer (GER)
"Open Windows
The new series, The Silent Hour [In Succession] will commence on Friday
the 11th of May at 8pm at the new location Level 2 / 77-83 William St East
Sydney with a special performance by Axel Singer.
Originally from Munich, Axel Singer (b. 1963) is a German composer, sound
artist and keyboardist who currently lives in Sydney. He studied composition
with Wilhelm Killmayer at Musikhochschule in Munich and attended IRCAM
in Paris and CNMAT in Berkeley, California to further his studies in
electronic music.
Singer has received commissions from the Bavarian State Ballet, Bavarian
State Opera, Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts and the State Theatre in
Darmstadt. He received the prestigious Music Award of the City of Munich
in 2003 and continued his musical virtuosity as scholarship holder at the
Internationales Künstlerhaus Villa Concordia in Bamberg and at the Cité
Internationale des Arts in Paris.
His compositions include instrumental and electroacoustic music for
concert, theatre, film and dance, as well as interactive sound installations.
For TSH [In Succession] Axel Singer will open up real and imaginary windows
by mixing and extending the live bustling sounds of William St with processed
field recordings and recent compositions for keyboard and custom built software.
Limited seating so please book in advance. Bookings include complimentary drinks."
Handsome Luke
Luke from ‘Handsome Luke’ Youtube video.
Luke’s haircuts for 2012 American Crew Face Off.
Featured Salon: Dario Chicco at VOI
“I never use a brush to force hair into shape”
After visiting Dario’s website, we were able to take a sneak peek at Dario’s portfolio and check out his work. His cuts are edgy, modern and classic. He seems to be in touch with the latest trends and aware of what people want. Dario explains, “I started cutting hair in 1965, when cutting hair was an art, it was the sartorialist âœtailoredâ individual period of hair cutting. At that time the great hair cutters like Jacques Dessange, Jean Louis David, Bruno Pittini and Vidal Sassoon re-invented the hair industry by wash and wear â” âœPret-a-porterâ cuts. From the 60â²s to now I still continue to cut hair into shape. I never use a brush to force hair into shape.” He doesn’t use a brush!?!? I need to make an appointment with this guy! His vision is that people can still have an amazing hairstyle without the unnecessary use of products and tools. He wants other people to see the benefits of “wash and go” hairstyles.
I was intrigued to also find out that Dario actually teaches cutting classes in his salon for those who want to learn the art of hairstyling from a pro! A class with such a renowned stylist is an amazing opportunity to offer!
In addition, Dario has been featured in some of the most popular magazines, been interviewed for numerous websites, and worked with some of the worlds biggest celebrities! He states, “As you can see on my website, I have worked on all major magazines and some with some of the best photographers. Non of the haircuts on my site have had a brush used to create the sartorial â” âœtailored hair cuts”.
BONUS!: Dario actually keeps a blog, letting fans in on his thoughts, inspirations, and style guidelines. He features hairstyling tips, photos of actual clients (before and afters!), and general information on products and trends.
Check out Dario Chicco for a Vidal Sassoon Japanese Television Commercial, 2006
Visit Dario Chicco’s BANGSTYLE profile here!
Contact Information: Cross / Diamant Building 2B/14 Kings Cross Road, Potts Point Sydney NSW, Australia Phone 02.93615735 ⦠Mobile 0416.195.060
Beauty and Spa
For Beauty and Spa, my clients recommend and
Lynley’s hair is free of colour and products. I cut long layers to give fullness and movement. She is totally natural and has a great future in modelling.
David Palmer
Did the classic, bad boy, James Dean, Rock n Roll, wicked haircut for the fantastic and very talented Dave Palmer, drummer from the Rod Stewart band.
Rob Hastie
Looking for a sculpture no brush haircutter in Melbourne?
See Rob Hastie at
Darcy Grant & Emma McGovern from CIRCA Wunderkammer
Darcy Grant and Emma McGovern performers from CIRCA – Wunderkammer – called in for a balanced movement haircut.
Darcy Grant and Emma McGovern are ensemble members in CIRCA, a Brisbane based contemporary circus company, directed by Yaron Lifchitz.
Circa creates circus that moves the heart, mind and soul.
We discover, cultivate and present works and experiences from the living heart of circus – vital, challenging and delightful. We believe circus is a rich artistic territory that can deeply touch audiences and participants. We progress with ceaseless inventiveness (in all aspects of our art and operations) guided by safe danger and fuelled by love, respect and passion.
CIRCA at the Opera House jan 2012
Laura’s hair was cut dry on this modern classic French bob. I then washed and cut it into a “Gar’cone coupe de cheveux”.
Sophie Of Voi Eight Haircuts Video
Six Haircuts from the Voi Eight Haircuts video, of Sophie.
Martha Zwartz
Watch out for the very talented singer song writer Martha Zwartz. Now that she has finished her HSC she is seriously working on releasing her CDs.
Dina’s Haircut I Did For The Yet To Be Released “Black & White & Sex”
Later On
The “before shot” is Brooke as she walked in. I cut her hair dry, took 3 inches off the bottom and cut it blunt, this is the ”after shot”. I then shampooed her hair and cut another 6 inches off with long layers, the “later on shot”.
You can see how a good haircut can freshen you up. Hand blow waved, no brushes.
Image In Progress
A new bi monthly publication on photography and more. Look out for it. Editor in Chief Emanuele Cucuzza. Many thanks Emanuele.
Quakeaid Concert
Quakeaid concert by clients, Jonathan Zwartz, Martha Zwartz and Ilan from The Potbelleez
Sehams hair was layered from front to back. It takes weight out of the front and being curly hair, gives it more spring. It was towel dryed using Alchemy Leave In Conditioner.
Marissa’s hair was shoulder length and over coloured. After graduating from back to front the colour looks more subtle on this easy to care no maintenance wash and wear cut.
Dyana had always straightened her hair with straightening lotions and GHDs, so I convinced her to go natural. I cut off 3 inches in length with long layers and gently blow waved by hand for this soft flowing wash and wear haircut.
The versatility of an undercut on Annes hair shows that at any age this haircut works.
I used the stack cutting technique on Marys haircut to cut weight out of the back which gives it fullness on top.
French Or English Hair Cutting
French cutting is based on sculpturing, it is a free hand carving out of hair to the finished detail. It is soft and feminine with flow and movement. It has a natural design by free hand cutting to the contours of the head. It’s more cutting by feel or by eye. Scissors and electric clippers or razors are used and any tapering or thining is done after the hair has been dryed. I can do such haircuts in ten to fifteen minutes, by that time the cut is almost dry and very little blow drying without a brush and you have a wash & wear free flowing cut.
English haircutting on the other hand is more like stacking lego blocks, section by section until you have a completed block. The diamond cut which is a Vidal Sassoon technique from the 60s is based very much on architecture, it works very much on the pattern of a spiders web. If you can imagine a spiders web in 3D you can see the lines and sections used in this technique. I find the diamond cut works well on layering and bobs. Blow drying also follows the same routine.
I am not suggesting one is better then the other, French may not suit some people or vise versa. I use both techniques and have also introduced my own style. I cut hair while its flipped over or I may fade with electric clippers on a finished cut whether its long or short.
I do marry my techniques with French and English cutting but as I never use a brush and blow wave by hand, my clients have a maintenance free hair cut that they can manage without any fuss.
French cutting is more widely used on the continent and New York. Here in Sydney it is 90% English cutting. French cutting is a technique rarely taught in Australia and knowing both techniques is of a great advantage.
You can view a good example of French cutting —Of all places— on a Vidal Sassoon TV commercial I did on
Dario Chicco
Diamond cut
I did a diamond cut on Deborah and a flip 3/4 hand blow wave on this free flowing adaptable hair cut.
1 cut, 4 styles
One cut four styles, Claire’s hair was clippered on the sides and scissored on top. It shows that even with short haircuts you can achieve four different looks.
Men’s tapered cut
With Joe I tapered the sides and faded the back with clippers and scissored the top.
Graduated haircut
Elsie was a back to front graduated hair cut blow waved by hand and then sliced to take more weight out.